Humidity, Mold and College Dorms

We recently learned of some terrible news. A Maryland college student with a weakened immune system contracted the adenovirus which ultimately took her life. The CDC states there’s no link between mold and the adenovirus. However, the victim’s parents believe mold conditions contributed to her death. This prompted a conversation here at Telkonet about humidity, …

Sleeping Occupants – The Ultimate Sensor Challenge

Energy management systems typically rely on room occupancy data: when the room is not occupied, the temperature can drift, lights can turn off. EMS devices like thermostats feature PIR sensors to determine occupancy. PIR sensors can detect two things: heat and motion. In the middle of the night, when guests are fast asleep, PIR sensors …

EMS Offers a Treasure Trove of Actionable Data

Annual savings: $120,693 THAT’s the kind of data you want to see on your energy management system. But your EMS likely contains a whole treasure trove of data, beyond your sometimes astounding) energy savings. Actionable data such as: Real-time Occupancy: Perhaps your maintenance team needs to visit a room; they can do so without disturbing …

How to Futureproof In-Room Technology Investments

A Guest Post from Our Partners at Sonifi Solutions, Inc. The same technology pervading homes is entering the hospitality space. As we have witnessed over the past year, integrated smart devices and voice technology are here to stay and only expanding. Hotels can take advantage of the trends by making wise decisions to begin with …

In Extreme Weather Can Your HVACs Maintain the Set Temperature?

Do your guest complaints increase during times of extreme outdoor temperature? Guests will aggressively raise or lower the thermostat settings in an effort to make the room more comfortable right away. You’ll want thermostats with the inherent ability to define maximum and minimum temperatures a guest can set, to avoid straining your HVAC systems in …

Preparing for Winter

Preventative HVAC Maintenance Autumn/early winter is an ideal time to perform preventative maintenance on your HVAC systems and switch schedules in your energy management system. Achieve energy savings as high as 25 percent by running clean HVAC equipment versus machines with dirty coils and/or filters (according to a recent ASHRAE study). Justin Lendowski, HVAC  expert …

Recouping your Energy Management System (EMS) Investment: HVAC Type, and Occupancy Sensing

(Part 5 of 5) What factors are used when calculating ROI on a new Energy Management System? When you’re shopping for an energy management system, you want to be presented with a realistic ROI. There are many factors that go into the calculation. Some are weighted more heavily than others. We’ve discussed: electricity prices, natural …